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tv   Fast Money  CNBC  March 21, 2013 5:00pm-6:00pm EDT

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>> welcome back. >> welcome back. finally today, what to do with a market that has been running up since november, but has more and more so-called experts predicting a fall back. there are few alternatives to find return with rock bottom interest rates. that has made stocks more and more attractive. the feds policy coupled with some signs of the u.s. economy is improving. good news for stock prices. some worry that earnings season may disappoint and trigger a sell-off. but i would expect that to be met with the buy on the dip mentality. we've already seen some earnings
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cracks. fed skpex oracle each reporting disappointments this week. those stocks took big hits as a result. does that indicate a weakness coming for transport? more will be revealed in the next two weeks with the earnings avalanche soon to kick in. but as investors wait for answers, they're asking the question, where is the growth in the world today? emerging markets fbl under pressure after outperforming for more than a decade. as money comes out of u.s. stocks, it will find a home in places like mexico, where stocks are starting to show real strength as well. many think reforms there will be bullish for investors. and smart money may keep heading south for returns in brazil or colombia. that is not to say the buy in the dip for the u.s. markets
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won't continue. i believe it will. but with a 10% gain in stocks so far this year, many investors will want a broader propos eer f options for stocks in the u.s. and away from the u.s. take a look at the market right now and the dow finished down 90 points, near the lows of the day, but not at the lows of the day. nasdaq and s&p 500 always rolled at the end of the day and finished negative. that will do it for "closing bell." stay with cnbc. fast money begins right now. >> back to the nasdaq markets, i'm melissa lee. by the dip, jeremy siegel joins us as the street gets more positive on the rally. should you be buying the hype. already making money on his nike call. and fast money madness ur
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playing along with us on twitter, but tonight you get a pro's take on your stock and basketball bracket with current gm of the indiana pacers. but first straight to michelle who joins us live from cyprus with the latest details on the country's bail-out negotiations. michelle? >> we are a lot closer to a resolution than we have been throughout this crisis. that's the broad headline. here are some of the details. the way it will get resolved will make a lot of people in cyprus unhappy. a lot of bank employees showed up to prot the unfolding plans. the magic number was 5.8 billion euros. they need new revenue or savings in their budget. they do that and europe says we'll give you 10 billion euros for a bail-out loan.
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how you going to get there? they didn't want to tax depositors. they're going to resolve at least one bank. brussels would like them to do two. that means getting rid of bad banks over time. that means losses of employment, uninsured depositors will take very large hits. insured depositors will remain whole and the banking system will stay afloat. this will please the european central bank so that everything can re-open on tuesday, if everything goes according to plan. as long as these guys in the parliament vote on this tomorrow. >> keith, i want ask you this because there are a lot of ifs. is this any better for the stock market tomorrow? >> i think it's a reason to contextualize why you'd sell for crisis reasons all the way up. but trade a 30-point range in
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the s&p 500 and a tight three-point range in the vix. and on the vix, 11 to 14. i think this crisis situation only insulates that trading range. >> today you saw 10 and a half percent surge. >> we did. it's because of the uncertainty. if we do have some certainty, i think that comes out of it tomorrow. most or all of that 10% pop in the vix comes out of it tomorrow. that fear that was built in there was because they didn't know what the resolution would be. maybe we will now. >> guy, kick it off, the top trades of the day. do you know your top trade? or are you stalling for time? out of the gate. >> gold. >> bring it. all right. why? >> i know keith had a great call on this one to short this thing
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a month or so. but i think gold has bottomed out. not cyprus, but it will be another country moving forward. i just think gold seems to be in play. we talked about it with new mont reverse and -- >> why do you like gold over the miners? >> i'll tell you why. i think the market is vulnerable here. so you buy gold because being low to miners puts you low to risk right now. >> my top trade that i'm going to do tomorrow because we didn't do it today, waiting for the stock to be negative on the day which is apple, which is a name i'm sure you're familiar with, but as a valuation girl, i cannot get away from the valuation as being an attractive place. >> is there a bleep at all that there's a catalyst? >> i do believe, but that's not really news. i think it's what is the cash
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allocation. i think that has potential to be a catalyst and maybe perhaps sentiment could change here. that would be a far bigger catalyst. unless they really do something dramatic with the cash which i'm not anticipating. >> apple remaining in the green until the end. keith, your top? >> selling s&p. it was for a different reason. wasn't for cyprus. this morning's news was quite good. jobless claims were fantastic. the market didn't care. to me, after having a nice bounce and we've been trying to basically play fear within that 30-point s&p range. i told it, like to buy it back. >> all tech is not created equal. as far as xlk, if you trade etfs, minimal amount of that. i don't like the underperformance of broad index trading. so so i was buying juniper
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today. if i can buy those on this dip, i think they were sold off unfairly -- >> why do you like juniper? >> i liked it because they were buying may call options. it's not the front month. it's not the april contract, but it was may, they were buying a lot of the 20 strike calls. that was the reason. >> another strategist getting more bullish on the s&p 500. raised his targ tote 1,700, the most bullish call on the street. jeremy siegel is a professor of finance, he joins us now. always a pleasure to see you. >> thank you. >> you are known to be a bull. how bullish are you this time around? >> well, i actually think this is a short-term buying opportunity. i know how hazardous it is to predict in the short-term of the market, but oil is down, those
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interest rates on long treasuries are down. i think the market has really held up well given the hit from the cyprus and the banking and europe today. i think the main decline today was really the german manufacturing data more than what's coming out of cyprus. >> if there was one fly that could be thrown into the bullish ointment, would it be something out of cyprus, or something completely different? >> well, certainly a banking crisis of major proportions, but i believe mario draghi has said, we'll do what it takes. i'm not saying he's going to bail out the cyprus banks, but he's given the move on bailing out everything from greece, spain, and portugal, and that is critical. that being said, europe is a mess in terms of its economy, i see slowness on the periphery for a long time. but i think that will bring
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dollars into the u.s. in fact, cyprus might bring more people out of the euro and into the u.s. as again the best investment opportunities. >> i look at europe and say those 18 countries, the biggest economy on the planet, a few trillion more than the united states. how do you wrap your head around caterpillar which is completely underperformed, or what fedex recently said. i don't want to use oracle, because i think that's stock specific. but there are stocks out there that eger poorly going forward. >> warnings are three to one negative that come out before the earnings season. they're supposed to do negative, then when it's really positive, they do not. it's just this week we heard those guidances that are poor. i still think earnings on s&p this year are going to be 110. with earnings expansion to 16,
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that's how we can get 1,700 on the s&p and even higher, i think in 2014. a multiple expansion, plus solid earnings, but multiple expansion is part of the game over here. >> so multiple expansion is one thing. that's not my favorite thing to rely on. i'd rather have earnings growth. but are you assuming earnings growth as well? and are you assuming a new sentiment of investors back into the market that would also lift the s&p to your target? >> yeah, you know, we talk about people coming back into equities and yes, we're beginning to see the flows, but the average person is still scared of stock. is nowhere in it as much as he or she was, even before the bull market peak in the 1990s. so there's a lot of that money. we know there's $3 trillion in money funds. $10 trillion in savings
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accounts, earning zero. they're finally going to say, i think it's time to dip my toes in the water, pick up three, four percent dividend paying stocks. five years after the crash, i think that confidence is going to come back. that's what's going to drive the market through this year and next. >> professor, always a pleasure to speak with you. thank you for your time. all right, dr. jay, question for you. december 31st, are we going to look back on the year and say, that professor was right, the dow hit 17,000 and the s&p hit 1,700? >> of this year? >> yeah. >> no. i think his bullishness is well founded, but i don't think we get to 1,700 this year. i do think that we keep working our way higher. i think a lot of the folks that were scared out of the market and it takes a while for them to recover. after '87, it took a decade. we're moving faster, five years,
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i think that's enough and the rates will still be low. as i said, through the rest of this year. the feds going to be pumping in that 85 billion a month. >> big movers of the day. kick it off with yahoo. >> clearly the analysts are watching the show. i think still yahoo is going higher from here. it's a great story. i don't think enough people are on board. >> bmc? >> it was 40 bucks beginning of the month. there were rumors about private equity. it's kkr, tpg, bane and golden gate. the stock was up another four percent today. >> the j.c. penney has been up the last few days on storied rumors they think are kind of ridiculous. there was an interesting article about why that's ridiculous and how maybe they could gain
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liquidity, but rent expense would increase. i think we're back to the fundamentals of the j.c. penney story which are terrible. >> mike? >> we're still seeing follow on negativity from the bad earnings report and also they're talking about cutting air travel to asia as basically their customers are moving to less expensive international freight services. but it's just a lower margin business and i think that's going to last for a little while. >> keith? >> one of our top themes is housing hammer. if you look at the housing stocks, lennar and kb homes, if there's a crisis, somebody better tell the home builders. >> and a pop for horses? >> what? >> good news for swedish cuisine. you can dine on horse-free fare once again, according to the company's head of foods, who claims new measures are in place
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to check the quality of ikea's snacks. they were in hot water after traces of horse meat were found. >> can i comment? >> you're going to comment, so go ahead. >> i was young once, i shopped ikea. but i wasn't buying my food. i mean swedish meatballs -- i'm not interested in their snack food. if you're buying food at ikea, you only got yourself to blame. >> i don't understand why it's okay for it to be cow meat but not horse meat. >> technically, horse meat is safe for consumption. >> buy your lousy couch at ikea, don't buy your meatballs. mad cow, yes, mad horse, no.
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>> nike up more than 8% on better than expected earnings. revenues were in line, but they -- coming up next from netflix to google, we are putting some of the hottest internet stocks out there to the test. find out which is your best bet for the second quarter. later o it's the kickoff of the second round of fast money madness, an epic battle of two tech titans is on top tonight. stay tuned, to remember, you can get in on the action with the hash tag fast money madness. we'll be right back.
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>> >> welcome back to fast money. maybe this will have dr. jay smiling. he made the bullish case for nike today at the half-time report. nike surging now in the after hours, reporting a quarterly profit that beat the street. also told thaus future demand for its apparel and shoes rose. back to you. >> thank you very much. you're doing the dance of victory. >> that's right. i was doing the dance. i was dancing around. i'll have to demonstrate when we
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have more room. but north america was up 18%. china was up big. the margins expanded. this was a fantastic story and as i said at the top, it was all about lebron james. because the man is unstoppable. and we're in march madness now, everybody wants to watch the college players play. but lebron james killing it 24 games in a row, miami heat have won. and i think they might break the nba record. >> shares of micron are also popping. a few weeks back, a guest made a call on this company. take a listen. >> i was the first one to tell you that and i heard scoffing and mocking. >> you're right, you're right. our bad. >> and it's climbed over eight. god knows where it's going to go from here. >> you see grasso imitate regis doing micron. >> well, he was right. regis, you were right.
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micron is up 5%, on better than expected revenues. >> quarter was great. gross margins, better than street was looking for. revenues up 24% quarter over quarter. that's a pretty solid quarter. regis, ahead of his time. >> ahead of his time, a couple years. let's talk internet stocks. soaring, will they continue their run? who will be the last one to stand out? let's bring in mark. great to see you in person. >> great to see you. >> this is relatively new position for you. so you're initiating coverage on a lot of them. what struck me, is that everything seemed to be an outperformer or sector perform which doesn't make much sense, because there's not goodbye underperformers in your sector. do you have those? >> we do. but i like to stick with the positive calls. positive calls would be google first, price line second.
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throw the really controversial name in there, netflix third. >> so what's the next catalyst higher for the stock? >> the sub numbers. this is at hbo levels. they get 35 million, 45 million u.s. subs, this is a different business model, you'll see margins and earnings ramp. >> what are the assumptions in terms of penetration of u.s. household, internet tv households and so on? >> it's internet connected device. what are one of the leading apps? it's netflix, video. how many devices are these? 200 million of these shipped annually. the number of people who get these and sign up for netflix. it's only eight bucks a month. so the end base in the u.s. is 80 or a hundred million households that could sign up for netflix.
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>> what about google? do you look at it versus facebook? >> no, we do. you got 15, 16 times next year's earnings. google's gone through a rerating. it was 12 times earnings. people less concerned about the mobile bear thesis. we like the stock up to 950. >> as far as that message, untethering and going directly with netflix rather than hbo or showtime or stars, that seems to be where they're really hitting it, it doesn't seem like a big reach for them to grow at that five million subs that you mentioned, special when you look at what they grew this year. >> they grew five million subs last year. you have more content, more devices, and original house of cards content, which seems to have been a pretty good hit. we think they can at least hit
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that five million sub number again. >> break some news here and raise it. that's full disclosure. >> that would be full disclosure. >> go ahead. because i think you're light on yahoo. >> you have two ways to win. a financial catalyst. yahoo stock will not go down when there's an alibaba ipo. a fundamental turnaround, we haven't seen growth out of this company in five years. you're not going to see that this year, probably not next year. even at aol, that was successful. so you can play yahoo near term, but a fundamental catalyst, to buy it up to the high 20s, you got to wait two years. >> so you're sticking with 24? >> that's right. >> trying to get the bottom line. good to see you.
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internet space, do you agree with mark? >> i do. if i have to say internet the way you just d i'd say apple. because i love it. when i go on there, whether people are using a competitor device or the apple or the embedded samsung or whatever smart tv they have, apple is the pure winner here because they keep getting reoccurring revenue from itunes and the app store. >> coming up next, buzz kill today and who else is feeling the pain off the company's miss. later on a special guest joins in. kevin pritchard gives us his top skpix talks the business of basketball. stick with us. >> fast money means trading. everybody's got to bring their best information each and every night. the entire trading day is the preparation for that show that night. >> it's idea generation. all about giving awe framework for how to look at the market.
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♪ >> welcome back to fast ♪ >> welcome back to fast money. live from the nasdaq markets and new york's times square. we're all watching oracle's big slide, but a lot of other companies falling off the back of oracle's disappointing results. you did see some options activity there? >> it was interesting. we saw sellers of the april and buyers of the 87 and a half and 90 calls. normally you think this is a bullish bet, but it wasn't here. this was a trade put on against a short position in the stock. so when you have that trade o you benefit when the stock goes down to that lower strike. this is a trade that will be profitable if the stock declines another 10%, which i would have to take away as bearish bet. >> definitely. let's go on and play good, bad, and ugly. first the good, last month keith
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gave his thoughts during a round of hops and drops. >> fantastic new home sales news. at the end of the day, that's a tough head wind that people thought would be oncoming, but it's more of a tailwind. huge day for the sector. >> nice call on that one. up 17% since then. keith, what do you do? >> i stay with it. i think the housing stocks. the question on housing stocks, are you bullish enough? from a price supply demand perspective, supplies are down, prices could be up 10 to 15%. the stocks are discounting what i just said. stay with that if you're not bullish enough on housing, think about it now. >> i'm getting word that we have somebody calling into the control room, a very important guest. it's the one and only regis philbin! welcome back to the program. >> i was watching, as i always do, but it's 2:00 in the afternoon with the sunshining
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and you gave me a shout-out on micron tech, i appreciate that. it's dropped five cents since you said that, but i'm so happy that you remembered my micron tech. >> how can we forget your call on micron, regis, because you made that call before anybody else did out there? >> years before guy adamy ever thought of it. >> are you going to stick with micron? >> no, i'm going to sell. >> you're going to sell? >> yeah, because i think there will be a dip pretty soon in the market. it's going up so fast so easily. >> regis, you've become a trader in your old age. >> old age? >> did i say that? i didn't mean that. >> i also want to tell you this guys, that everywhere i went, people brought up your show. you have no idea your following. i was very, very impressed.
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>> depends on who you think ha hanging out with. call in anytime, stop by anytime. and we wish you the best of luck on your new show on fox sports. >> keep najarian in line, will you? >> we'll try. >> nice to talk with you. >> bye-bye, reej. >> perfect timing, they were going to talk about my crappy short call. >> off the hook. managing your money with ben bernanke, keeping the easy money coming. we'll tell you how you should be positioning your portfolio for the long haul. much more of that straight ahead. ♪ [ cows moo ] [ sizzling ] more rain... [ thunder rumbles ] ♪ [ male announcer ] when the world moves... futures move first.
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onlye >> the only way that you can actually test for the issue is to put the pants on and bend over. so just putting the pants on themselves, doesn't solve the problem. >> you learn something new every day. that was the new ceo christine day, addressing the transparency
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issues. we're talking about the yoga pants. >> is this like new coke, old coke kind of brilliant? >> did you guys go through that? i don't know what you're talking about. >> take a look at the stock. there's a belief this is a one-time hit, that the company and addressing it in the right way. they're willing to pay 98 bucks for a pair of pants, even if they have to bend over themselves to see if they're transparent. >> this is marketing genius. not unlike makers mark recently. >> that's right. >> when was the last time we brought up makers mark? >> never. >> brilliant, she's ceo of the year. bend over or don't bend over. good job christine day. >> think how many people will put on a pair of pants and bend over.
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just to see. >> just saying. >> and they'll see keith there just watching, waiting. >> let's move on here and talk about crm. the company is announcing a four for one stock split. when was the last time we saw that? the last time we saw that was july of 2012 when cmes split five for one. >> it just sickens me that it is up on that news. i accept these things trade up on splits. but it's astounding to me why that is. i accept that it happens, but it's absurd, there's no value creation. nothing happened here, nothing. >> but it does address a little bit. shareholder want less friction getting in and out. >> still makes no sense. >> it makes it more accessible to folks. >> to someone who can't afford
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one share. i accept -- >> you need a hundred shares to be able to trade it. a hundred shares of this is $19,000 or whatever. $17,000. now a hundred shares of it will be less. >> i buy that. you thought you got off the hook, keith. >> oh, we're back. we're back to good, bad, and ugly. >> regis and i have agreed this is what happens. whenever i make a mistake, i'm good. regis has my back. >> so remember the goodood was pulty call. a month later was the bad. keith was looking for an opportunity to get short. >> finally looking for shorts where there could be an earnings miss. looking at kimberly clark. >> they beat on earnings and it is up 9% since then. so keith, licking your wounds since then? >> i feel a definite amount of shame. look, you make a call like that, seriously, when you make a call
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and you say something will happen, and it doesn't happen, talk about it. it's okay. at the end of the day, we said they'd miss the quarter. they did not. really doesn't matter even though they cut costs to get there. but we think it's a good short from here and we made a mistake. >> the valuations are just head scratching at this point. a company that makes tooth paste and toilet paper serve a higher valuation than google or apple? >> heinz got a big multiple. this group has been wildly overbought. the market tells you you're right or wrong. if you haven't figured out why, you'll get reminded. >> the federal reserve, what should your long-term portfolio look like in a zero interest rate world? our first guest in the mast money adviser segment. michael, pleasure to have you with us. >> great to be here.
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i'm a little nervous. we're going from regis to bending over in lulu pants. this trend is not going the right way. regis is the hit point there. >> it's a fast-paced show. what is the ideal asset allocation in this environment in your view? >> i can't change just because the market becomes more volatile or you become more emotional. if you have a plan and say it's 70% equities and 30% fixed income, you might readjust and reallocate after big market moves but not based on the fear in the market place. 70/30 tends to be ideal according to data, giving you the biggest return with the least amount of volatility. retirees, or people getting older, typically have larger amount in fixed income. the one thing you do at this
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point, take a look and when rates are down, shorten those, reduce the volatility. you don't want to take risk in the part of your portfolio that's supposed to be safe. regis will tell you that. >> i would have his back on that. >> everybody would have regis's back. he's going to retire. >> he's never going to retire. >> it's all about the process. if regis isn't part of the process, what do you have? >> i couldn't agree more. >> when you're ready to get out of treasuries, don't you have to have level and timing on the steepness of the curve? and do you have one? >> we're talking about different thing to trading. if we're talking about an allocation for lon lonrm investors and people saving for retirements and they with their advisers have determined they should have money in fixed income.
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i would say they want that there because it needs to be a safe part of their portfolio. but if it needs to be safe, it's hard to feel safe about a ten-year treasury at 2%. so keeping it more liquid, and taking advantage of the yield curve when it rises and then extend some maturities that better suit your needs and your plan. i don't think you can, as a plan for part of your retirement, think about how you're going to trade treasury markets. i do think you have to know what your growth goals are, and if you look at any sort of historical dat a can you get there? markets like this very dangerous for those thinking about retirement. they get you to make emotional decisions. don't. stick with your plan. you'll see the other side and get to retirement just fine. >> michael, thanks for your time. coming up next, two tech titans go head to head as we kick off the second round of fast money
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madness. plus he's helped turn the indiana pacers into an eastern conference power house. kevin pritchard reveals who he thinks will take it all in the ncaa. stay tuned. ♪ ♪ ♪ [ female announcer ] you're the boss of your life. in charge of long weekends and longer retirements. ♪ ask your financial professional how lincoln financial can help you take charge of your future. ♪ arrival. with hertz gold plus rewards, you skip the counters, the lines, and the paperwork. zap. it's our fastest and easiest way to get you into your car.
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it's just another way you'll be traveling at the speed of hertz.
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>> time now >> time now to kick off the second round of fast money madness. we started out with 64 stocks from four regions, but only one will be named the best in the land. the competition is getting fiercer. we tallied our traders' votes and twitter votes to determine which names would advance. here are the results. amazon and coca-cola. amazon prevailed. and disney beat out target. seven seed walmart knocking down johnson & johnson. let's move to the technology region. let's go through the debates settled offline earlier today. based on the votes, google topped oracle. apple beating out yahoo. ibm knocking out oracle after
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the company's big earnings miss last night. but the score to be settled tonight is between microsoft and qualcomm. so let's get to the traders in this very tough fight. where do you go? >> you think you know me and you think i'm going qualcomm which i've loved for a while. but this is who will be better going forward? i think mr. softie, which is trading around 28 bucks will be side wis to slightly higher action, whereas qualcomm at 65 can move lower. >> qualcomm is going to go lower and microsoft will remain range bound -- >> that's what i'm talking about. >> i got to agree. if there's anything that's range bound, it's microsoft. i know this, as a long-time shareholder. the valuation is absurd. doesn't matter. risk reward if the market comes
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in, better off in microsoft. >> do you think the market will come in and microsoft will be the better bet? >> i go with microsoft because i specialize in companies with 235 billion in market cap. [ laughter ] >> this is clearly what -- this is -- obviously it's a joke to think you know what they'll do next. but looks better to me. >> dr. jay? >> i'm going against the herd. contrarian pray and go with qualcomm. the reason is, i think it's a second half stock. i think the fact that the samsung phones, the galaxy 4 will be wildly popular. apple will also have a winner. both second half stories. the qualcomm s-4 won't be in stores until april. that is the galaxy note are going to push them. that's all good for qualcomm. they make chips for everybody.
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so i like qualcomm. >> based on your votes out there, qualcomm beats microsoft. so the winner is still microsoft because of three to two. >> right. exactly. equal to you. georgetown education paying off right there. to see the full bracket in our competition, log on and remember you can get in on the game by tweeting us at cnbc fast money. tell us which stocks you're picking. there will never be any ties because you of course are the fifth trader. now let's get to your fast money madness pick from someone who knows his way around a basketball court. our next guest is the general manager of the indiana pacers and author of help the helper, building a culture of extreme team work. good to have you with us. >> great to be here. >> you're a long-term watcher of the show. so i know you have an opinion on this one. microsoft or qualcomm?
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>> i'm going with dr. jay, qualcomm. higher peg ratio. higher beta stock. you got to go with growth rate long-term. >> good for you. except your vote doesn't count here. [ laughter ] >> thanks, guys. i appreciate that. thanks for having me on the show. but your vote will count on the next one. what do we have for him to tee him up? i'll ask you this, who do you like in the tournament. you were on the team that won, you and danny manning, and the miracles, as a six seed. i know you like kansas this year, but who's the dark horse? >> the dark horse? it's hard to go against miami right now. they've played well all season. they won the acc. they didn't win the tournament, but they have a veteran team and they're led by a veteran point guard. i really think their defense is going to hold them through. the question will be indiana and
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miami and the finals of that region. that's going to be probably one of the best games, if they can get there. you guys know this, upsets happen all the time. we're watching one right now potentially. that's what we love about the tournament. it really just takes one game. if you don't play your best game, the first, second, third round, you could be out, even though you might be a higher seed. >> pete says hi. the kid from michigan, trey, is that the best name in the tournament? because of what it implies as far as the three-pointer? >> that's a pretty good name. now because of collective bargaining agreement rules, i can't talk about individual players. i can talk about any teams and that. but to talk about players, i can't do that. but i do like trey, wouldn't that be a great name for a basketball player? >> guys fond of auto porter of course too, but it sounds like
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someplace you park your car. >> guy probably put you up to that. >> only one team coming out of the east that can beat the heat, i think it's you guys. you get granger back and hibbert in the middle. is he up to the challenge? >> well, we like our chances. we feel good about where we are right now. right now we're in a dog fight with new york and brooklyn for the second seed.. second seed is everything right now because that gives you home court potentially first and second round. in the playoffs over a seven-game series, you got to have that home court. we need that against those teams. so we're not looking forward to that. we're taking it one game at a time. but our size is important to us. we believe in size for position at every position. and we have a very sort of under the radar team. we kind of like that too. because ultimately when you play
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the miami heat, the spotlight shines on you, and you got to play. but that's a long ways off. we know we got to finish this season off and -- but it will be great regular season. >> kevin, thanks for phoning in. it was a lot of fun. stop by in person next time you're in new york. >> i will. >> let's go to some breaking news. >> we're getting a read-out from a treasury official on a meeting this afternoon involving jack lu and deputy treasury secretary with executives from the financial services industry. the primary topic, cyber security, and specifically that official telling us the commitment to improve the resilience of cyber attacks, reducing future threats. the groups also discussing efforts by treasury, government partners and financial institutions to share information and specifically talk about the need for proposed
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legislation going forward. one other item of interest, secretary lew also discussing his conversations with china's leadership this week about the serious cyber threat intrusions posed to our intellectual properties. very interesting meeting, the possibility for the need for the proposed legislation. back to you. >> thank you hampton in d.c. coming up next, we're trading your tweets. stay tuned. [ indistinct shouting ] ♪ [ indistinct shouting ] [ male announcer ] time and sales data. split-second stats. [ indistinct shouting ] ♪ it's so close to the options floor...
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>> happy >> happy seventh birthday to twitter. so in honor of the birthday, let's get to today's tweets. karen, polycomgot the sympathy upgrade. what do you say? >> one of my worst trades of last year. very disappointing. the stock got crushed and i did a very bad job riding down, all the way up and then all the way
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back down, sold it in disgust and haven't looked at it since. except it has a good balance sheet, so you're okay there, but cisco is a real competitor, i try not to look at it ever again. thanks for the tweet. >> this one's gr guy. enjoyed your fast money reference. keep up the good work. >> westchester is a suburb. we call it a wedge. >> hero is what they call it on long island. >> that's loser stuff. way to go. love them. >> keith, we're going to not have one for keith. no, no time. [ laughter ] we'll come right back. stay tuned. >> i'm back, i'm here, pick up the phone! aw this is tragic man, investors just like you
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